Utilizing COVID-19 Vaccine Diplomacy
The Contribution of Community Centers in the Elimination of Socio-Economic Problems of Family
Social Work in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Linking COVID-19 with Suicide: Suggestions for Future Research
Participatory Approach in the Work of a Social Worker with Homeless People
Life Satisfaction of Holocaust Survivors
The issue of homeless young people
Urinary Incontinence as a Significant Health and Social Problem of Women
The Nature of the Misinformation before and during Covid 19 (case study of Slovakia)
Stigmatization by Nurses towards Mentally Ill People
Influence of Oncological Disease on Patient´s Life Quality
The Markers of Cardiovascular Risk in the Roma in Western Slovakia
Health Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Setting of Refugee Camps at Europe’s Entry Points
ISSN 2076-9741/ONLINE
ISSN 2222-386X/PRINT
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