About Current Issue:
"The impact of the external environment on the social and health aspects of contemporary man in the dynamics of global social changes of the world"
Mental Health and work-life Balance among Workers in Social Services
Global Health Impact from Climate Change
Perception of Agents Assisting Women Experiencing Violence in Couple Relations
The Path to eliminating the marginalization of the Roma Community
Parenta Awareness of Care for a Child with Gastroenteritis
CSW no. 5, vol. 15, 2024
Guest Editorial
Special dental Number
DOI: 10.22359/cswhi_15_5_01
The current issue of the journal features a truly international collection of timely articles. In addition to Slovakia, the authors are based in Pakistan, China and the United States.
Several of the articles have a clinical focus. Buzalova et al write of the importance of work-life balance in an individual's mental health. Uludag and colleagues address implications of substance abuse.
Morton et al focus on spinal manipulation as a treatment modality. Stofilova and Putekova address parental awareness of care for children suffering from gastroenteritis.
Behavioral health care is the focal area of others. Leskova and Giertliova propose a pathway to eliminating the marginalization of the Roma population. Mackinova, Olah et al examine the focus group as a tool for research in social work. Hrozenska, Pavelova and Gabrielova address the perception of those working with women experiencing violence in a couples relationship.
From an environmental perspective, Salman Khan and Naz write of the importance of the marketplace in social and economic development in Pakistan. Valova and Mrvan address the impact of electronization in the provision of governmental services to the public. Costello, West et al focus on climate change and its impact on global health.
All of the authors deserve commendation for their research and writing on these issues which are of importance to both the academic and professional communities.
Michael Costello
Professor Emeritus
University of Scranton, PA